Why are so many Tamilians supporting Jallikattu ?
I am not a tamilian but i support jallikatu
Reasons :-
1. PETA is hypocrite
- its headquarter is in america
- it does not protest against the freestyle bull taming sport known as rodeo in america
- Bull fighting is also popular in Spain.
2.Banning jallikatu would cause negative effect
- before 100 years there was 130 breeds of cattle was exist in india but now the number reduces to 37
- Tamil Nadu had 6 breeds of cattle but now we lose alambadi breed
- Kangayam breed which we use in jallikatu was also affected severely due to this ban
- in 1996 the no of kangayam was 5 lakh now it reduce to 1 lakh
- kangayam breed produces A2 quality milk which is more nutrious than A1 quality milk produce by jersey cows ( foreign breed)kangayam produces 3 litre milk per day and used for jallikatu festival
- jersey breed produces 12 litre A1 quality milk per day
- Due to ban keeping kangayam was no longer profitable business.
3. Violation of constitutional right
- the act was direct violation of artical 29 according to which minorities have right to preservs there distinct culture
4. cultural reason
- jallikatu also known as manju viratu is a ancient sport
- a cave painting in white kaolin is discovered near madurai depicted a lone man trying to control a bull is estimated to be 2500 years old.
- Ancient tamil poetry from Sangam literature has many references to Eru Thazuvuthal ( hugging the bull )
5.people sentiments
- why we ban beef ?
- why muslim male are allowed to have 4 wives ?
- reason is simple peoples sentiments
6. Jallikatu is not completely barbaric
- There are lot of rules associated with this sport.
- Tamilnadu Government has set very stringent rules and regulations
- Not a single sportsman has died since the introduction of the Tamilnadu Jalli kattu Act though there is some exceptions
- It saves the bulls from the slaughterhouses
So i can safely conclude that banning jallikatu will do more harm than good.
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