What are some pictures (without text) with deep meaning(s)?

I found this picture and I'm looking for more such pictures. 
Shivani Reddy
Shivani Reddy, Fun.Work.Study.Quora.
When I look at the below paintings, I feel the range of potential emotions. Whether the fear of time slipping away, or the tragedy of loss, or even the cynicism of war. It’s truly amazing. Most importantly though, they change my perspective and give me a wake up call.
Self imposed prison of addiction
We can evolve and change, but our future is literally either going to be flooded or filled with pollution
The masks we wear
Despite how important a thing is, there is always a limit of having it, too much of anything is a bad idea.
No matter how big your nest egg is, it still won't be big enough to build a stairway to heaven.
Magic is what happens inside each one of us
We are made of Earth. When we die we will return to the earth. But, in the meantime, life is a beautiful dance.
Big fish in a little pond; america isn't as great as it thinks it is without the cooperation/water of the rest of the world.
Nature is stronger than what people build
The distorted reality and transformation of matter to symbolize reality in dreams
The mind is influenced by its environment
Only in nature can you grow
Under the cloak of aging lies beauty and wisdom
Love sends us to the moon easily, the hard part is to stay on it.
Thinking is what makes you fly. You're gonna crush if you ever stop.
I believe that the circle with the man "trapped" inside is the routine we have each day. But only the human. The birds appear to be free at all times...and the difference between them is just...sad
Living inside boxes - we've created for ourselves. Everyone has the same space, each one uses it differently.
Freedom during evolution progresses to a mere symbol of liberty.
The plague of surveillance. or
Instead of exploring the vast universe, which is depicted by the beautiful moon, we are busy spying on each other.
Everything has it's pros and cons, however, together they can do wonders.
From communism to capitalism
2012 Theories : End of the World
Be who you want to be
Could be love
Death of privacy
Do you solve problems with logic or instinct?
Financial power and politics
Global warming
Language of social media
Learn to forget
Love your enemies
Pay attention!
Single parent
Thin line between art and life
Underwater universe


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