Epics of India: Where was america and other countries when Ramayana and Mahabharata was happening in India?

Manorama C
These were explained well in puranas.
America is in Krauncha Dweepa. This Krauncha Dweepam (with area of 16 lakhs yojanas) is beyond Ghrutha Samudram. There is Ksheera Samudram (with area of the same 16 lakhs yojanas) beyond this Dweepam. Krauncha Dweepam contains seven mountains as it's boundaries. Seven rivers are running through these mountains. The Krauncha Parvatham has been cut by Subrahmanyam, to reduce its arrogance on the request of Gods.
Kuruvarsham is north boundary to Jambudweepam. Russia is in Kuruvarsham and it's old name is Kiristhhan. Arjuna conquered Uththara Kuru Lands. Thushara Rajyam had become Thurkamenisthhan and Kambhoja rajyam had become Thazikisthan.
There was a forest in Krauncha Dweepam, and its name is Kapilaranya. This forest has become now, as California.The earth was divided into seven Dweepas after the sons of Swayambhuva Manu. Jambudweepam, Krauncha Dweepam, Plaksha Dweepam, Shalmali Dweepam, Shuka Dweepam, Shaaka dweepam, and Pushkara Dweepam are the seven ones.
Priyavratha, the first son of Swaayambhuva Manu, ruled the earth for 60 lakhs years. (The younger brother of Priyavratha was Uththana pada. Uththanapada was father of Dhruva, the pole star). He divided this earth for his seven sons.
Jambudweepam was given to Agneedhra by Priyavratha Chakravarthy. Plakshadweepam was ruled by Medhaathithhi. Shalmali Dweepam, Kushadweepam, Shaaka Dweepam, Krauncha Dweepam, Pushkara Dweepam were ruled by Vapushmantha, Jyothishmantha, Dyuthimantha, Havya, Savana kings respectively. Meru Parvatham is middle to this Jambudweepam. Lavana Samudram is around this island. Agnidhra divided again the Jambudweepam as nine parts and gave them to his nine great sons. These lands were called by their names as Nabhi, Kimpurusha, Harivarsha, Ilavrutha, Ramya, Hirannvantha, Kuruvu, Bhadraashwa, Kethumala. The son of Nabhi was the great Rushabha Chakravarthy. He had hundred sons. His first son was the king Bharatha. He ruled Nabhivarsha very well. From then onwards, Nabhi Varsha became Bharathavarsha. Jai Hind.


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