What are some of the greatest innovative ideas?
As we know there is water scarcity in many parts of world, my vote for innovative idea goes to..
Fontus bottle - Extracting water from moisture present in air
Fontus water bottle uses solar power to activate the condenser with a Peltier Element. (Themoelectric cooling [1] )
Image source -ICS
What makes it work ??
It’s essentially a cooler with two chambers that facilitates condensation, and takes in moving air ,which is then slowed and cooled down by barriers that allows it to condense and form water, which is channelled and collected in the bottle.This auto filling water bottle can produce 0.5 liters of water in an hour. Well… This number varies from place to place, depending on the humidity and the temperature.
Future Scope
Image Source _ Intengineering (Instagram)