कुछ दिलचस्प एवम् रोचक जानकारियाँ What are some unknown facts about world?

Archita Agrawal
  • World's fastest supersonic cruise missile brahmos was fired from chennai at tropex on 7 February 2017.
  • Two of the world's largest rivers, Amazon and the Rio Negro meet but do not mix and are usually distinct but occupy the same body of water. This is due to the rivers speed and temperature.
  • Music rap artist Nelly has sent 2 kids to college every year for the last 10 years.
  • Edmund thomas clint (1976–83) was an Indian child prodigy known for having drawn over 30,000 paintings during his short life of 7 years.
  • When a male penguin falls in love with female penguin, he will search the entire beach to find the perfect pebble to presnet to her - kind of proposal.
  • In Stockholm, sweden there is a speed camera lottery where good drivers can win money from the fines of speeding drivers.
  • An Italian cimpany has come up with organic burial pods that are biodegradable. It will convert the dead into nutrients for the trees. So Instead of graveyard there will be a sacred forests.
  • A swiss company will take your loved one's remain and turn them into a diamond.
  • There is a cafe in france which charges €7 a coffee to rude and impolite customers and €1.25 to people who talk politely to staff.
  • The super bowl half-time show had 300 drones flying in formation to make the U.S. flag in the sky.
  • Kenton lee was living in nirobi kenya,when he noticed a little girl walking to church in shoes that were too small. He later developed a shoe that grows, that last 5 yrs and adjust to fice different sizes so that children living in extreme poverty can always have a pair of shoe .
  • The rarest animal in the world's,the black jaguar.
  • There is a Taj Mahal in Bangladesh too.
  • The tongue of a whale weighs more than most elephants.
  • Something shocking
  • Highest mountain.
  • Sea fireflies lighting up the rocks on a Japanese beach.
  • This volcano in Indonesia burns bright blue flames.
  • World's tallest building Burj Khalifa.
  • Sunset on mars is blue.
  • Not sure about this news.
Thanks for reading. I will keep on updating.
Image source: google,fb.


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