Why does India fail to copy and/or espionage military technologies of other countries like China does?
India invests a lot in it's military, especially buying from other countries. There are some joint development projects also which have made India glory to some extend. However, dependence on foreign production is a critical flaw.
China on the other hand is not shy of acquiring military technology by any means. Why is India not competing on international front when it comes to copy and/or espionage foreign technology.
China on the other hand is not shy of acquiring military technology by any means. Why is India not competing on international front when it comes to copy and/or espionage foreign technology.
Lol. That’s a joke question.
INS Vikrant:-
There is nothing more complicated than making an aircraft carrier.
Agni missile:-
Compare the accuracy of Agni V to similar missiles made by China, USA, Russia, etc.
Agni V has single digit accuracy, less than 10 meters.
Which missile have an accuracy as high as 10 meters ?
There is hardly any missile developed by USA, USSR, China, etc. that is as accurate as Agni V. And these numbers are based on international assessments of missile tests.
Even on long distance missiles, India will get Agni 6 this year. And can hit any part of the world.
Brahmos missile:-
“It is the world's fastest anti-ship cruise missile in operation.”
Should India be copying other people’s missile when it has developed the world’s fastest missile itself. Or should the world be copying Indian missiles.
People question the Russian co-operation and it is even visible in your question.
Here is the among the most indigenous Chinese planes:-
" Sergei Mikheyev, General Designer of the Kamov Design Bureau ...dropped the proverbial bombshell at Heli-Expo here in Las Vegas this afternoon," Norris writes, " Mikheyev told an astonished crowd that China's Z-10/WZ-10 attack helicopter was actually designed in great secrecy under contract for China by Kamov."
More than half of the indeezzzzinous Chinese weapons are completely designed by Russians under secrecy or whatever.
Nuclear submarines and nuclear warheads:-
Nobody gave India the tech to built nuclear weapons. And nuclear submarines. India is not a member of nuclear supplier’s group, China is. China get’s latest nuclear tech from other nations.
India has 120 nuclear warheads. And indigeneously built nuclear powered submarines.
HAL Tejas:-
“The single-seat Indian fighter is considered superior to counterparts like the JF-17 aircraft jointly built by China and Pakistan.”
Here is the pic of HAL Tejas, 4.5 generation aircraft made by India.
Now coming to your question,
“why does India fail to copy military technologies of other countries like China does”.
There is one answer to this:-
“Necessity is the mother of invention”
If you need something, you will go ahead and invent it.
India having great relations with USA and Russia gets most of it’s weapons from these nations.
China doesn’t get the most advanced weapons and have to copy it or make it on it’s own.
The same reason is why Japan failed to copy military technology of other nations. Not because they cannot copy or make. But because they don’t need to as they get the latest weapons from USA.
India has already designed it’s own aircraft carrier. There is nothing more advanced and complex than making an aircraft carrier.
So, here you go with India’s ability if you question it.