कुच्छ दिलचस्प जानकारियाँ What are some interesting facts about the least known countries in the world?

Some of the territories are still colony of another nation while some are partially dependent on other nations. So please mention the dependency status(if any) of the territories you mention in your answer so that the interested readers are not mislead into believing that they are fully independent nations.
Roshan Krishna
Roshan Krishna, u will never see the darkness inside me
1.Nauru has the most overweight population in the world with over 95% of its population overweight.
2.Niger has the most youthful population in the world. In 2013, over half of Niger’s population (50.09%) was under the age of 14. At the other end of the scale are Germany and Japan where just 13% of the population is under 14.
3. Fiji is only country other than India with Hindi as an official language. Native Fijians make up 54% of the population. Under British rule, Indian labourers were brought to Fiji to work on the sugarcane crops. Descendants of these labourers are called Indo-Fijians and today they account for around 40% of the population.
4.Bhutan is the only country to measure happiness instead of GDP (Gross Domestic Produce). The GNH (Gross National Happiness) used in Bhutan since 1972, has inspired a modern political happiness movement and in 2011 the UN General Assembly placed “happiness” on the global development agenda, adopting it unanimously.
5.Bhutan is also a country where paintings of phallic penises are commonplace. The Bhutanese believe the immodest image of an erect penis helps fertility, offers protection from evil and dispels spiteful gossip. The murals can be spotted painted on the walls of their homes and hanging from the eaves of their houses.
6. In china ,any tv shows or movies featuring time travel are censored.
7. In Denmark , Citizens have to select baby names from a list of 7000 Government approved names.
8. In France we can marry a Dead person.


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