कुछ तसबीरे जो अपने कभी नही देखी होंगी What are some rare pictures that we have never seen?
Below are pictures of some incredible inventions and events that occurred first time in world.These pictures depicts how human is evolving and making themselves more better than ever . So here we go.
“Brain” is first computer virus released in January 1986.
“V2 missile” was first rocket launched by German in 1942.
First petroleum fueled motorcycle was Petroleum Reitwagen built in Germany in 1885.
Kiki Hakansson, from sweden was first miss world held in London UK.
World first automobile accident occurred on May 30,1896.
Eugen Sandow was first body builder.
Chinese invented the first paper money.
Simple Tennis game was first video game played.
Cern. Ch was world's first website.
Slaby-Arco wireless system was world's first radio invented in 1900.
Baghdad battery was first battery believed to be 2000 years old.
This photo believed to be taken first time ,it was taken from a room through a window by Joseph Nicephore.
World’s first official soccer ball.
World’s first official cricket ball.
First guitar was very small and were originally strung with four pairs of strings.
Benz patent car was world’s first car.
Siebe and Harrison's patent ice-making refrigerator , 1862.
The world's first camera in the making.
Maxim Gun was first machine gun made.
World’s first Robot in picture.
Nickelodeon was first movie theatre opened on June 19, 1905 in Pittsburgh, Penn.
First ever X-ray been taken by two scientists.
The world's first mobile phone call was made on April 3, 1973, when Martin Cooper, a senior engineer at Motorola, called a rival telecommunications company and informed them he was speaking via a mobile phone.