Our Youth today

Everyone sometimes sees something, that makes his day a little better - share what made you smile today
Balram Jat
What made me smile Today? I literally was jumping on my bed. I couldn’t resist myself clapping. I went into deep thinking, A hope lightened in my heart, Hope of not giving up, Hope of fighting till the end……… Let’s see what was that -
A dog in Udaipur city (Rajasthan) had fallen into hot tar. He was even unable to move and very frightened, See his eyes
Tar is a very toxic material and not easy to detach. Anyone would have given up on this poor dog, But we had these wonderful youth who came forward to rescue him -
See how serious they are -
Instead of using Kerosene, they used vegetable oil to remove tar (Because kerosene is also harmful for skin). It took them 5 days to completely remove the tar. And see this picture, How they are really enjoying the work (Now they know situation is out of danger ) -
And the scene which really transformed my belief (At the starting I thought it’s not going to happen) -
That 5 month old dog is perfectly fine. I was wrong. And I am very happy to be wrong.
What if those wonderful people would have given up just like me, even before trying? I vowed always to be positive. I vowed not to give up, never ever again………..
Once again salute to those people. This was shown in National geography. Here is the link, If You have time please watch it, It’s a 2:43 minute video. I am sure it will make your day and will inspire you so much -


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