What is the height of Indian hypocrisy?
We Indians have redefined the heights of hypocrisy with our acts. Please try to redefine your acts that benefits both you & the nation.
When the reel heroes are admired, while our real heroes are disdained.

When an empowered common man ignores the no powered common man.

When food in the parliament canteen is way cheaper than college canteens.

When a so called human being runs being human or when being human runs over human being, as suggested by Mihir Karbelkar.

When our so called rights dominates more than the basic human rights.

When the farmers who care for people, do not get cared by people.

When we expect a 66 year old man to do everything for us, returning not even a few minimal efforts from our side.

When we share wishes on social media on mother's day & father's day, but forget to wish them in real life, for their struggles over the years !

When so called media focuses more on Bollywood than the people livelihood.

When some lame followers support an anti-nationalist and so called student leader.

When we bargain with roadside vendors, while buy the stuff unspoken from supermarkets.

When we pray for the soldiers at the borders, but do not even smile or wish when we came across them.

When the people who have to question the government, sleep in the parliament.

When the rappers get more opportunities than the upcoming gifted singers.

When we do not even thank or smile for the people who stand in scorching heat, sweep floors, washrooms and drive cabs for us.

When talent is not deserved, as he is not so called reserved.

When we happily receive our couriers, but don’t even have a concern of saying thanks to delivery boys who travel all the day despite many barriers.

When our farmers get thrashed for not paying loan of just lakhs, while our so called playboy can get absconded to any country even after not paying thousands of crores.

When we criticize for a girl child, but unaware that a group of dedicated women scientists behind the phenomenal success of our ISRO.

When the reel mary kom earns more than the real mary kom just for her biopic.

When everyone wants Olympic medals, but no one wants to train their children in sports.

When the people who have to support the soldiers, throw stones at them.

When we feel bad seeing thirsty poor birds dying, but do not even try to keep a bowl of water on our terrace for them.

When our brave hearts fight for us in extreme conditions, while we fight among us for acute situations. We can raise funds here for them. Link : https://bharatkeveer.gov.in/inde...
( To know how to raise the funds for the families of our real heroes, who sacrificed their lives in the line of duty and the process involved : https://www.quora.com/How-do-I-help-soldiers-families/answer/Vamsi-Krishna-Namala?share=5209a45e&srid=JO2z )

When we pray for others lives in hindrance, but do not even give a way to an ambulance.

When the uneducated behaves far better than so called educated.

Do not just blindly support someone, just because they entertain. Do not just blindly vote for someone, just because of some freebies. Stand for the deserved. Stand against the undeserved. Do not be greedy. Help the needy.
Think before you take a decision. Strive for a better nation.

We should not wait for the change to happen. We should bring that change. Do not leave it hereafter, else our nation’s future will be shoddy thereafter.
Hope one day, the nation will be free from such hypocrisies.
Thanks for your time.
Image Source : Google, TOI, Blogs, Wikipedia, etc.
P.S 1: This answer is not to demean any big shots. But a little attempt to create awareness among the people what to follow and what not to. Hope you take it positively. If not, you are free to disagree.
P.S 2: In India, we can’t suggest people to change unless we don’t change. For the people who are expecting contributions from my side other than free suggestions :
I do follow most of them. I thank & wish the people who are in underrated professions for their contributions in my daily life. I support soldiers by donating to bharatkeveer website and wish them whenever i came across. I help blind people crossing a busy road. I do place 3 bowls of water on my terrace for thirsty birds. I call my parents daily and wish them on special occasions, but not on any social media. I vote for only visionary leaders. I appreciate actors irrespective of their stardom, if they do perform well. I don’t bargain with roadside vendors unless found them deceptive. I never throw papers or trash on roads until i came across a dustbin. I donate my old clothes to the people who are in need. I only listen to the songs from normal singers. I give my seat to those standing old people in public transport. I am not bragging. But letting you know about the small initiatives what can be done by a poor little common man. Please help him succeeding in this reformation by joining your hands together. Thank you :)
P.S 3: Honestly, I would be much happier, if you could follow those points rather than following me. Just remember to be a good human.
Looking forward for a better nation what our beloved kalam sir has hoped for.